
Social Enterprise Register

Case Studies - Community Benefit Clauses

Scottish Borders Tyres Contract

Scottish Borders Council has used Community Benefit Clauses in its procurement of a tyres contract to secure employment opportunities for local young people.

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Clyde Gateway: Implementing a Community Benefit Clause : Playbusters

Clyde Gateway, an urban regeneration company is driving forward a massive 20-year investment programme in the east end of Glasgow. It requires contractors to meet Community Benefit requirements. The contract for Rigby Street access and repair work required the contractor to support the Parkhead Community Garden Project. In lieu of on-site support the agreement with Playbusters that managed and developed the project was to provide a donation to the gardening project, as well as technical support services.

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Low Moss Prison Throughcare Pathway

The opening of the new Low Moss prison in 2012 provided a significant opportunity for the public and third sector to work together to ensure services accessed by prisoners could be as effective as possible. The Public Social Partnership model was identified as the most effective approach to this engagement and was adopted for the re-design of the throughcare pathway for convicted short-term prisoners and those on remand. This approach already appears to have brought significant shared learning and benefits for public and third sector partners.

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The New South Glasgow Hospitals

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) have used Community Benefit Clauses (CBCs) in procuring the new South Glasgow Hospitals (nSGH). This resulted in Project OsKar, a subsidiary company of Kibble which is a wellestablished social enterprise, winning the contract to provide industrial painting services for the fencing around the building site. This was the first time NHSGGC used CBCs in procurement and provided a high profile example of the use of social clauses to deliver supply chain benefits to the social enterprise sector.

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