
Social Enterprise Register

Case Studies - Other

Skills Development Scotland’s Procurement Strategy

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has introduced its new Responsible and Sustainable Procurement Strategy to align its procurement activities with the introduction of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.

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Employability Services in Fife

Eight third sector employability services came together to form the Fife ETC consortium that won the contract to deliver the employability contract for the Opportunities Fife Partnership. This has led to better, more joint-up employability services in Fife, reaching more unemployed people from deprived areas and a stronger third sector.

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Community Benefits in Procurement Champions Network

Ready for Business (RfB) has taken on the role of developing and growing the public sector Community Benefit in Procurement Champions Network into a national forum for discussion about community benefit and sustainable procurement. In addition RfB, in conjunction with the Scottish Government, has made the network a major channel for dissemination of advice and guidance on implications of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 for public sector procurement officers.

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Social Enterprise Success: National Library of Scotland: Managed Waste Services Contract

The National Library of Scotland has decided to increase the efficiency of its waste management. The Library decided to combine all existing waste management arrangements and procure a high quality waste management service for the whole organisation. After a procurement process, social enterprise Changeworks Recycling won the contract.

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Scottish Prison Service Same Day Courier Contract

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) delivers custodial and rehabilitation services to people convicted by the courts. SPS uses courier services to send priority mail and parcels from the prisons. DNDP, a supported enterprise, submitted a tender for the Same Day Delivery Lot and won the tender to deliver the services.

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Co-production of a Day Opportunities Service in Galashiels by Scottish Borders Council

Scottish Borders Council pushed the traditional boundaries of procurement and created a new route to achieve successful delivery of a day opportunities service with the important principle of co-production at the heart of the decision making process. Cornerstone, the successful provider, is working closely with Council colleagues to ensure that people achieve agreed outcomes.

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Dovetail Enterprises – Delivering to the public sector

Dovetail Enterprises is one of seven companies which have been successful in being included in the Scottish Government Framework Agreement for supported factories and businesses. It has also been successful in being included as a supplier to Dundee City’s Welfare Fund contract. It is building up expertise in successfully competing with the commercial sector for both public and private sector contracts.

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Sign Factory - Application of Regulation 7 of the Public Contract (Scotland) Regulations

The Sign Factory is a supported employment business, established in Falkirk in 1964 under the wing of Falkirk Council. It has been successful in being included as the sole supplier to the public sector for signage, through The Scottish Government Framework for Supported Factories and Businesses. This framework was established in September 2012 and runs to September 2014. It has gone on to win a number of other contracts through the Scottish Public Sector Procurement hub (PCS), as well as increasingly responding to demand from the commercial sector.

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Procurement of consultancy services by Community Centre Management Committees in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council

Members of the voluntary associations for four community centres owned by Argyll and Bute Council were trained in and managed the procurement of external business planning consultants in partnership with the Council. This involved undertaking a full procurement process through Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and provided lessons for the Council and the third sector on the support required for procurement partnerships between the public and third sectors.

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Edinburgh Joint Carers’ Strategy – Use of logic modelling

The City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian are working collaboratively with carer organisations and carers themselves to redefine their strategic approach to commissioning support services for carers. The development of its three years Joint Carers Strategy for 2014-2017 involved the application of logic modelling to create a focus for consultation with carers on priorities and support required.

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Outcome commissioning: Fife Youth Offenders Management Group

Following a review of its services by Fife’s Youth Offenders Management Group (YOMG), Fife Council, decided to put the service out to tender. This provided the group the opportunity to develop outcome measures for the service. This included outcomes for the young person themselves and their victims, as well as outputs such as the number of young people to be engaged.

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North Lanarkshire Council: Purchasing from the Third Sector

This special case study briefing examines North Lanarkshire Council’s purchasing from the third sector. The information contained in this paper is drawn from an analysis of all Council spending on external suppliers, including the examination of over 5,000 supplier records and accompanying financial transactions.

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Transport Games

Delivering an accessible ‘public transport’ Games for the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, that would make best use of existing transport infrastructure and services, was no small challenge. It required strategic thinking, pragmatism, the forging of new partnerships and a community transport sector geared to play its part. Ealing Community Transport, at a national level, and Community Transport Glasgow and Order of Malta Dial-a-Journey at a local level in Glasgow fulfilled a key role in bridging the gap between public transport and Games venues for disabled spectators. London 2012’s approach shows how the public sector can maximise the value it gains from the social enterprise sector by playing to the sector’s strengths.

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Strengthening the Role of Enterprising Communities in Delivering Public Services

Fife Council is one of Scotland’s largest local authorities and one which has developed an increasingly productive working relationship with the third sector.

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Co-production: Working with the Third Sector to Reshape Dementia Services

East Dunbartonshire Council and partners have developed an innovative response to the challenge of delivering dementia care to the ageing local population. The Dementia Clinic Advisory Service is built on a model of co-production and choice for people with dementia.

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Argyll and Bute Local Services Initiative (ABLSI)

Inspired by Carnegie Trust’s Rural Programme and funded by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) Argyll and Bute Council wanted to make the most of working with the third sector to deliver better services to rural communities. From the encouraging results of the Demonstration Project, the Argyll and Bute Local Services Initiative (ABLSI) was established to initiate positive changes in working relationships and the commissioning of services from the third sector.

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Organisational Learning: Glasgow City Council

This case study examines learning from the way in which Glasgow City Council has systematically introduced measures to maximise the Community Benefit arising from the procurement of its investment in public infrastructure. The Council’s ambition is now to roll out this approach to impact across all significant public service contracts.

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Case Example: Unity Enterprise

This case study provides an example of the way in which Community Benefit Clauses can be used to promote the development of social enterprises. It examines the award of a catering contract to Unity Enterprise as part of the contract to construct the Glasgow Commonwealth Arena and Velodrome.

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